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A Sustainable Earth Canada

"A Sustainable Earth" explains the science behind global climate change, and how energy consumption, solid waste disposal and urban issues impact our natural environment.

What you'll learn:

A Sustainable Earth begins with a study of global climate change: its impacts, the reasons behind the rapid warming of Earth, and the scientific tools that are used to study this phenomenon. Students will also learn about energy production and consumption, on a local and global scale. Why are some forms of energy more harmful to the natural environment than others? What are the pros and cons of each? Students will dive into the world of solid waste (not literally) and discover the impacts of solid waste on water and air quality, ocean systems and economic systems. Finally, students will examine urban systems in developed and developing nations to discover the benefits of smart growth and common issues that face both types of nations.

Note: This course is not hosted on the Starbucks Global Academy platform. After enrolling, the course content will direct you on how to complete registration for this content.

Meet your instructor:

Susannah Sandrin, Clinical Associate Professor

Dr. Sandrin has an interdisciplinary background in environmental science, hydrology and engineering. She currently teaches a large, popular introductory environmental science course at ASU. Her research interests are related to STEM education and strategies for engaging a more diverse group of future scientists and engineers to help us solve our challenges of the future. She is eternally optimistic due to her experiences working with the fabulous students at ASU as she recognizes their immense potential and passion for making the world a better place.
